Sanofi Australia and New Zealand knows how important giving back to the community is. Which is why we encourage our people to volunteer locally and abroad on projects they are passionate about. Inspired by our values, tied to our purpose and spurred by our strategic plan, Our Community program has been created to empower our people to make a difference

Laura Rafferty is a vaccine specialist at Sanofi. Driven by the desire to work with communities in need, Laura spent two intensive weeks in Cebu, Philippines, boosting vaccination rates. Hear how this unique experience has become a highlight of Laura’s career at Sanofi.

Making a difference in San Remigio, Cebu

For many people volunteering is an incredible opportunity to give back and learn more. Sanofi encourages our people to get involved in new environments to test their existing skills and learn new ones. No matter your role in Sanofi you are able to make a difference.